


My daughter whom I adopted 2 years ago has been diagnosed with RAD. Her history is quite a long story but she's here and she has many of the difficulties and special needs, including learning disabilities, that I've been told are typical for RAD children. Her behavior is so bizarre sometimes it is embarrassing. Other people just think she is a poorly disciplined child because of course she looks normal, so therefore should act normal. She is mouthy and demanding and very controlling. She is currently attending a wonderful therapeutic school with very individualized attention. She is not on medication and my main reason for searching out places like yourself is to find other means of treating this other than medication. She had been in therapy but that has been stopped for reasons I don't quite understand, having to do with insurance, naturally. But I am working on getting that service back for her. I have never been a part of a support group because quite honestly, I don't where I would find time in my month to fit in any other meetings. My daughter is an exuberant, joyful little girl, that is unnaturally promiscuous and that worries me. She is not afraid of anyone and is especially drawn to men. I wish I could understand the behavior. Little of it makes sense. With other illnesses or disorders the behavior seems to go logically with the condition. Not so with RAD. That is what is so difficult about dealing with this child. She seems to have no conscience. She steals and she lies. She will take off as fast as she can given the chance knowing the consequences are that she will have to be holding someone's hand (which she hates) for quite a while before given another chance. I guess I could go on and on. It will be interesting to read of others on this site. I hope maybe there is a way to help one another. Thanks.

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