


Seven years ago when I was a starry-eyed newly wed,I met my husband's niece and nephew. I had no idea how those two litte kids would change my life forever.
Anna was three and CJ was one. They were sweet and adorable just like my own one year old daughter. But their home life was heart breaking,fighting parents,social workers,abuse,neglect,etc. It is the same sad story many of you know,except we were watching it play out right in front of us and could literally not do anything about it,except pray.
We prayed constantly for their safety,for their nourishment,most of all that God would put someone in their lives who could make a difference.We really could not imagine how the Lord was going to change the situation.My husband and I never really thought we would be the ones who he used.
In March of 1999 my brother-in-law was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. He and his wife had divorced two years before but the situation for the kids had not improved. Now their problems were just spread over two houses instead of one.
The week after the diagnosis Dan asked my husband and I to take his kids. We have raised them ever since. Their mother had visits with them but social services took custody until a judge awarded us permanent cusdody.
They no longer see their mother but I feel like I deal with the consequences of her actions every day. CJ and Anna behave so much better than they used too,but there are serious problems lying just below the surface. As the adoptive mother
I get the brunt of the ugliness. My children are also subject to viciousness at any unexpected time. Last year we were blessed with our third biological child. These three children have been an example to us on how to really love someone unconditionally. They are able to simply accept the other two as they are,something I admit I still struggle with.
I homeschool all the children.Everywhere we go people comment on how I have my hands full.My hands are full(along with my house)but my heart is full too.There are still many problems that we hope to see resolved by God's grace. I am truly blessed. I pray I will never lose sight of the way God has worked in our lives.

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