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News: "Men can only be happy when they do not assume that the object of life is happiness."  George Orwell
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Author Topic: Prayers  (Read 27132 times)
Duke /Duchess

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God, grant me the strength to get through this.

« on: November 09, 2015, 05:58:54 AM »

I would appreciate it if everyone would pray that I find God's path soon. I need to work, I want to be an attorney and practice law, but right now I just need to feel useful. I am really struggling to keep trusting God because this has all happened before. I have tried to analyze what I did, again, and why I keep getting pushed out of work. I don't cut corners, I try hard to help the people I am assigned, I enjoy what I do, I am respectful to the court and all of my clients. I know I am not perfect but I try to do everything as unto the Lord, yet I keep getting punished and don't understand why.

I am open to whatever God wants me to do. I have already lost my state job as an officer, so I did every job I could find to keep busy and make ends meet. Then my attorney work picked up and I was so happy to feel useful, again. Now, I have lost that too. The reasons the judge gave make no sense but I still feel useless.

So, please pray. I need to have some purpose here on earth. I trust God but feel at my wits end and my faith is growing weaker.



"Sometimes the clearest evidence that God has not deserted you is not that you are successfully past your trials, but that you are still on your feet in the midst of it." Dale Ralph Davis

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« Reply #1 on: November 09, 2015, 12:04:41 PM »

Sherrie, I am praying hard.  love7

DS20: RAD, FAE, ADHD; Adopted from Romania at age 2.
Duke /Duchess

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God, grant me the strength to get through this.

« Reply #2 on: November 10, 2015, 06:06:08 AM »

Thank you.

Pleas add my oldest son to your list, if you can. He is likely to get out of jail today and I am scared he will return to heroin as soon as he can. I have been praying he finds work and finds healthy ways to make friends and stay busy. But, heroin is very powerful and I am not sure he wants to quit.

I applied to two places yesterday to do criminal prosecution or investigative/attorney stuff. I haven't had any luck in the past applying for jobs but I need something and that was all that was available.

Thanks again, this is very hard.


"Sometimes the clearest evidence that God has not deserted you is not that you are successfully past your trials, but that you are still on your feet in the midst of it." Dale Ralph Davis
Mama Bee
Duke /Duchess

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« Reply #3 on: November 10, 2015, 06:30:19 AM »

Praying for you and your sons.

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Trying to remember who I was before...

« Reply #4 on: November 10, 2015, 06:30:39 AM »

Praying for you, Sherrie. That hopeless feeling is awful. Praying the comforter will come to you.

DS 16- adopted RAD, ODD
DD 15-adopted ADHD, ODD
DS 12-bio no issues
DD 5- bio happy as a lark!
Happily Married for 19 years.
Duke /Duchess

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God, grant me the strength to get through this.

« Reply #5 on: January 26, 2016, 06:22:03 AM »

I read a passage from the book of Job and it gave me some perspective, that in spite of the bad going on in our personal lives God is still there. But, sadly, until we get to heaven we won't get any answers to the WHY.

I am very depressed about the loss of my mom. I really have nothing to keep me busy and my mind wanders to all of the loses I have been through. In 2008 I lost my job with the state that I loved and enjoyed. In 2009 my son was charged with delinquency for the first time and spent Christmas in detention. In 2010 I lost my two nephews to the state of Virginia based on false allegations that were all proven as lies but sadly it was in the kids best interest to stay with the strangers they were placed with by the state. In 2012 - 2015 my oldest son struggled with heroin addiction, stole from me, totaled 3 cars, threatened to kill me if I didn't buy him needles... In 2013 I took placement of another RAD kid because I am stupid, I guess. he has also threatened to kill me and is currently on probation at 11 years of age. In August 2015 the county juvenile court decided I could no longer practice law. I had already been removed from the other county court list. I was shocked because I had done nothing wrong and none of my clients ever complained about my service or asked I be replaced. December 26, 2015 I lost my mom. She had a massive heart attack and died. She adopted me at 6 months of age and we were close.

Anyway, I am trying hard to stay up beat but I don't see much good coming along.

Please pray. I trust God and want something to help me get through each day.



"Sometimes the clearest evidence that God has not deserted you is not that you are successfully past your trials, but that you are still on your feet in the midst of it." Dale Ralph Davis
Mama Bee
Duke /Duchess

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« Reply #6 on: January 26, 2016, 07:11:19 AM »

That is a lot of losses. I will pray.

Many years ago I was in a terrible situation. i had lost my whole life as I knew it. I could barely put one foot in front of the other in spite of the fact that I had many responsibilities. Nothing was going how I had hoped and planned that it would go. I beat myself up mentally over all the things that had gone wrong. Eventually, I started telling myself better things, even though it was scraping the bottom of the barrel to think of them. Along the lines of " I may have lost my home, but at least I am not in jail." There were about three things that seemed to bother me over and over and I figured out a positive statement to counteract each of those. That became my little mantra.

Then a point came in the situation where another crisis was looming. I was very worried about what was going to happen. Finally, I asked myself what was the worst thing that could happen. I figured out what that was and it was a relief. Instead of worrying about  what was going to happen, I told myself that by the next Christmas something was going to be different. Maybe not better, but different than the present problem and I would deal with the bad things coming up when I got there. By doing that I was able to function on a day to day basis and not worry about what was to come. By the next Christmas things had changed for the better.

Going through that experience, strengthened me to be able to deal with five kids with RAD.

I will pray that you can sense the direction in which God is leading you and that he will use your losses to enable you to help other people.

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"Thank God that's over!"

« Reply #7 on: January 26, 2016, 07:29:15 AM »

Okay, guys - this is one for the woo woo files, but I'll share it.  Despite the whacked out factor, it changed our lives.


Hubby and I were desperate for anything to help us.  We were considering a trip to Sedona cuz woo woo people seemed to have figured out the inner peace thing.

Instead we found the Osage Forest of Peace ( not 10 minutes from our home.  We attended a meditation workshop led by a nun and found a group of people with huge hearts and beautiful spirits.

Meditation helped us tremendously, just getting our stress levels down. 

Later, we asked how to continue and be peaceful when everything was such garbage.  The girls, our new normal, etc.  Several people looked at us and said, "The Secret," in that knowing, peaceful manner of someone who knows something you don't.

It's a movie based on the Law of Attraction; that what you focus on you attract.  We watched the movie on Netflix (free) and laughed.  We watched it again and decided what the heck.  We gave it a try.

And we were amazed at the results. 

I'd say watch the movie.  I will be happy to share what we did if you're interested, but I will say, it can't hurt!

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"Thank God that's over!"

« Reply #8 on: January 26, 2016, 07:42:21 AM »

I would also look at

It's an online clearing house for freelancers.  I worked through elance (they bought) before and would do it again in a heartbeat. 

I logged in and there are a lot of people looking for 'legal' review or language. 

I need someone with knowledge of CONVERTIBLE PROMISSORY NOTE (CN).
I have a few pages of a standard CN and as I have no legal education, would like some "simplification", i.e. someone to explain to me in simple word what it means, what would the investor get, what is the note issuer responsibilities, etc.
Should be very simple to anyone with such knowledge.
I can call by mobile or skype.  Required immediately


Review the proposed agreement , compare it with industry standard, see if there is any gaps , see if there is any unfair clauses


Looking for help to draft up contracts for a startup, no operating agreement needed, more like simple contracts and advice. More details on Skype. Short interview required. Budget is flexible and looking for long term help.

I've not had any problems with billing or being paid.  Use your cynic radar to winnow out the jobs and don't sell yourself cheap!   I loved this cuz I could work while the girls were at school.  I always stuck with short-term jobs so I could finish them! 

Will be happy to share anything that helps!

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« Reply #9 on: January 26, 2016, 10:44:29 AM »

I will pray for you, Sherrie.

When your son is released, is he moving into a halfway house or into your home? 
Duke /Duchess

Karma: 9
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God, grant me the strength to get through this.

« Reply #10 on: January 26, 2016, 12:58:13 PM »

My adult son is living on his own and my youngest son lives with me even though he is on probation for threats to kill me. No one takes him seriously, or better said, they may believe him but have no idea what to do so they do nothing.

Thanks for the suggestions and prayers.

I will try them and see what helps most.


"Sometimes the clearest evidence that God has not deserted you is not that you are successfully past your trials, but that you are still on your feet in the midst of it." Dale Ralph Davis
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