What is ADD/ADHD?

What is Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)?

  • the most commonly diagnosed behavior disorder in children.
  • characterized by inattention, impulsiveness, and hyperactivity.
  • can persist into adolescence and adulthood and these individuals may be vulnerable to antisocial behavior, impulsiveness, and educational failure.

Symptoms in an ADHD Child

  • is restless and fidgety.
  • interrupts conversations.
  • has difficulty completing school assignments, organizing work, and gives the impression he or she has not heard instructions.
  • is easily distracted.
  • makes careless, impulsive errors.
  • frequently calls out in class.
  • has difficulty awaiting his/her turn in groups.
  • fails to follow through on parents’ requests.
  • is unable to play games for the same amount of time as other children of the same age.
  • feels socially isolated from peers.
ADD/ADHD Immediate Reading Improvement
ADHD Guide
The ADD/ADHD Child
Your ADD/ADHD Child and homeschooling
Health-Center: ADD/ADHD
DSM-IV diagnostic Criteria for ADHD
ADD/ADHD Non-Drug Alternative for ADD/ADHD
Non-Drug Alternative for ADD/ADHD
What doctors aren’t telling you about stimulants for children

I don't advocate the use or non use of any of the following. I am just putting up information that many doctors and medical professionals don't usually tell parents so parents can make an informed choice when choosing what is best for their child. Each parent has to evaluate and decide what works best for their child. The information why not to avoid the following drugs is readily available many places. This is not intended to be a debate, therefore I am not going to be posting both sides to try to make things equal. These are posted because they are not readily or easily found.

Why to Avoid Ritalin®
Why to avoid Cylert®
Why to avoid Dexedrine®

Did you know the potential long-term effects of Ritalin are:

  1. Potential liver damage
  2. A possible linkage to Parkinson's disease
  3. Loss of self esteem from being "different"
  4. Ritalin can cause permanent neurological tics including Tourettes syndrome.
  5. Ritalin can retard growth in children by disrupting the cycles of growth hormone released by the pituitary gland.
  6. The recent finding that Ritalin can cause cancer in some animals was not taken seriously enough by the drug company or the FDA.
  7. Ritalin routinely causes gross malfunctions in the brain of the child. There is research evidence from a few controlled scientific studies that Ritalin can cause shrinkage (atrophy) or other permanent physical abnormalities in the brain.
  8. Withdrawal from Ritalin can cause emotional suffering, including depression, exhaustion, and suicide. This can make children seem psychiatrically disturbed and lead mistakenly to increased doses of medication.
  9. Ritalin is addictive and can become a gateway drug to other addictions. It is a common drug of abuse among children and adults.
  10. Plus more visit What doctors aren’t telling you about stimulants for children
    to learn more.

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